Spray & Wipe ultra virucidal cleaner disinfectant 750ml

Spray & Wipe ultra virucidal cleaner disinfectant 750ml


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High performance disinfectant with broad spectrum activity against bacteria, yeast and viruses.
It is an essential product fort he fight against cross infection.Ideal to use in around:
*long term care facilities
*animal handling
*sport facilities
*hotels and many other areas or during infection outbreaks.
For coronavirus leave the product in contact with the surface for 1 minute before wiping it off.

Certification include:
EN1276,EN13697, EN14476 ,EN13727 (5 minutes including MRSA, E. coli, Norovirus, Coronavirus)
EN1650-10 minutes
EN13610, EN14561-15 minutes
EN1657, EN16438, EN14675–30 minutes


Simply spray onto the surface, wipe off in the normal manner and leave to air dry. it is important to leave the surface wet for the relevant contact time for the EN claims required.
Check compatibility with the surfaces by first testing on an inconspicuous area.
Protetive eyewear and gloves should be work while using this product.